Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is music haram ?

as slaamu akium sisters

here is a question i always wondered. If music in Islam haram. Some Muslims say yes. Some say no. Some Muslims even say yes but depends what kind of music. so i researched it and i say no personally , because if  the quran states we cant  cant use instruments so what make us think that we can listen to music with instruments. in one hadith it states:
From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as unlawful.

so i am taking the music off my blog until i know the truth about music in islam.
but thats my opinion just tell me  what you think. please shurkn.=)

Check This Out..

as salaamu alkium sisters

do me a favor ? please check out my sisters blog  its called fashion for the little muslimmatts. . please and thank you.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


As salaamu alkium sisters

guess what ? I learned how to sew.Well one day in art class my teacher said we will learn how to sew pillows. I never really knew how to sew . I mean I saw mom do it before but not the real deal. So we started the project in class. And my pillow came out okay but not great , like how i really wanted it to be. On Friday night I came home and asked my mom to get the neddle and thread out. and i made a square pillow. which came out perfect I just love it. It was nice and simple for me. so I am hooked on sewing. thats all I want to do. any suggestions or any ideas or tips I would love to hear them .

Friday, April 2, 2010


As salaamu alkium sisters

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahim

The other day my mom and I found these wonderful sisters on face book! these sisters make beautiful khimars! let me tell you i will be surely getting some sooner or later.LOL. these sister really out did there self. my favorite is the one with the Neon Tiger! its light grey chiffon wrap. stripes of peach and neon green tiger prints woven between navy strips. peach stitching. let me tell you its fabulous! so if you would like to check it out the site is! check it out. you will fall in love with the khimars.