Friday, April 2, 2010


As salaamu alkium sisters

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahim

The other day my mom and I found these wonderful sisters on face book! these sisters make beautiful khimars! let me tell you i will be surely getting some sooner or later.LOL. these sister really out did there self. my favorite is the one with the Neon Tiger! its light grey chiffon wrap. stripes of peach and neon green tiger prints woven between navy strips. peach stitching. let me tell you its fabulous! so if you would like to check it out the site is! check it out. you will fall in love with the khimars.

1 comment:

  1. Walaikum salaam wa rahmatullaah, khadijah shukrn for sharing this .
    wa JazkAllaahu Khairan
