Sunday, April 18, 2010


As salaamu alkium sisters

guess what ? I learned how to sew.Well one day in art class my teacher said we will learn how to sew pillows. I never really knew how to sew . I mean I saw mom do it before but not the real deal. So we started the project in class. And my pillow came out okay but not great , like how i really wanted it to be. On Friday night I came home and asked my mom to get the neddle and thread out. and i made a square pillow. which came out perfect I just love it. It was nice and simple for me. so I am hooked on sewing. thats all I want to do. any suggestions or any ideas or tips I would love to hear them .


  1. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah,

    You go girl!!!, that is sooo cool.

    Btw, I heart the two pilliows you made me, keep it going ! I see the talent.

    Can't wait to see more. Love you much, umm

  2. oo lovely! i'd say keep practising, try making different things. through it all ul get better at sewing, more confident and skilfull insha'Alah.

    do share ur projects if possible =)

  3. Wow mashallah thats awesome! Mabrook!
