Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is music haram ?

as slaamu akium sisters

here is a question i always wondered. If music in Islam haram. Some Muslims say yes. Some say no. Some Muslims even say yes but depends what kind of music. so i researched it and i say no personally , because if  the quran states we cant  cant use instruments so what make us think that we can listen to music with instruments. in one hadith it states:
From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as unlawful.

so i am taking the music off my blog until i know the truth about music in islam.
but thats my opinion just tell me  what you think. please shurkn.=)


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  4. As salaamu alaikum dear:

  5. Walaikumsalaam sis.
    Quick correction, that hadith says

    From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as unlawful.

    The last word i meant to say LAWFUL.
    Because otherwise it would imply that those things are lawful but the Prophets (saw) followers will make them unlawful. When in actual fact they are unlawful but people will make them lawful, which we are seeing everywhere nowadays.

    As scholars have differed regarding this topic I take the same sort of approach as you. Music is haram BUT I think if it makes you conecntrate on the islamic words of the song it is ok, as long a sit doesnt distract you from thinking about Allah etc and make you dance around!

    I've never really listened to western music thats why I'm referring to nasheeds. Because I am against all other kinds of music.

    Just my view :) but well done, it is better to be safe than sorry.
    take care xxx

  6. Salam
    Its true you cannot listen to music, but you can listen to nasheeds, or songs using only the daff (i believe thats how its spelled) it was an istrument that even Aisha (ra) used to sing with on the day of Eid and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never said anything to her. Anyways, you have a really nice blog mashallah, and may Allah always keep you on the right path :) with love,
