Saturday, February 6, 2010

main facts about islam!

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahim

As salaamu alkium sisters,

1. Islam means peace through the submission to Allaah.

2. Muslim means anyone or thing that submits their self to god!

3. 5 pillars of Islam
shahdah- declaration in faith in Allaah and the last prophet Muhammad
praying- 5 times a day!
fasting- not eating during the daylight of Ramadan
charity- 2.5% of ones servings should be given to the poor.
pilgrimage- to mecca at least once , if physically and finally.
4. main beliefs
there is one and only god; Hes name is Allaah
All the Prophets of Allaah.
Muhammad is the last prophet and messager of Allah.
believe in all the angles
the day of judgement
the hereafter

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